Tag Archives: Sheffield Hallam University

Union ballot to end Hallam lecturers dispute

The University and College Union are to ballot their members on a deal with Sheffield Hallam University to end the current dispute over excessive workloads. The proposals, which the union are recommending to their members, would provide extra time for new lectures and courses together with a workload monitoring mechanism. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed spoke to Jane Fearon, branch secretary for Shefffield Hallam UCU.

Sheffield wellbeing research centre opens

Sheffield Hallam University has formerly opened its Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre which will investigate and develop innovations to increase physical activity and improve population health. The centre, based at the Olympic Legacy Park on the site of the former Don Valley stadium, will host world leading research into approaches to prevent and treat chronic disease through physical activity. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Somali TV channel opens Sheffield studio

International TV channel Eryal TV, based in Somaliland, has launched a multi-media hub in Sheffield to support young Somalians and others to get into the media industry. The studio is hosted by the Somali Community Centre on Cemetery Road and has benefited from the support of Sheffield Hallam University. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Free health checks offered at football clubs

Free health checks are to be offered to fans at Sheffield United’s Bramall Lane stadium in an initiative in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University & Weston Park Hospital. The third session took place prior to the Blades home game against Middlesborough with the club hoping it can encourage fans to adopt a healthier life. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed spoke to Rachel Cholerton, from Sheffield Hallam University and Dave McCarthy, operations manager at Sheffield United.

First LGBT wedding photographer opens in Sheffield

A former Sheffield Hallam University student has become the first dedicated LGBT wedding photographer with the launch of her same sex weddings business. Nelly Naylor opened her business after she struggled to find an LGBT photographer for her wedding following the proposal of her girlfriend. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Sheffield welcomes new and returning students

It’s Fresher’s Week and students from all over the world are coming to Sheffield to begin or resume their studies. Sheffield Live! TV spoke to Emily Connor, president of Sheffield Hallam University Student Union, about welcoming the students; and to students themselves about their plans. Report by Baillor Jalloh and Charlotte Reid.

Please share your thoughts on Sheffield’s ‘great outdoors’

_1040946Sheffield is often described as the greenest city in England, including one third of the Peak District National Park; when in Sheffield you are never far from parks, woodland or countryside.

Now a new piece of research, being undertaken on behalf of Sheffield City Council and Creative Sheffield by Sheffield Hallam University’s Sport Industry Research Centre, is being undertaken to asses the value of Sheffield’s outdoor economy – and your views are invited!

You can help to assess the importance of Sheffield’s ‘Great Outdoors’ to you and your family by completing the quick survey here before 6pm on Sunday, 1st June – it will only take a few minutes and you can be entered into a prize draw for £100 cash.

The survey is for everybody to complete – whether you participate in outdoor recreational activities or not. It will only take 2 minutes; your responses are confidential and will only be used for this research. You will only be contacted if you are the prize winner.  The deadline for survey completion is Sunday 1st June.

What next?

  • Take the survey here
  • Maxine Gregory of the Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) will be discussing the survey, the wider research and the work of the SIRC on Sheffield Live’s Business Live programme on Friday 30th May from 9am-10am. Listen live via 93.2fm or our live stream, or get the podcast afterwards here.