Sheffield News

Tom Hunt elected as leader of Sheffield Council

The first full meeting of Sheffield Council since the local elections has voted Labour group leader and Walkley councillor Tom Hunt to be the new city council leader. Hunt received 39 votes in the second round of voting against Liberal Democrats leader councillor Shaffaq Mohammed who received 29 votes. The Greens abstained from voting after their leader Douglas Johnson only managed to secure 14 votes in the first round. Hunt has promised to work with other political parties to spearhead what he called a “new generation of leadership”. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Former tree campaigner calls for better accountability from Sheffield Council

An extraordinary Sheffield Council meeting last week to discuss the findings of the Lowcock Tree Inquiry into the Street Trees Dispute turned heated as questions were raised by former tree campaigners. Calvin Payne who was arrested in 2016 for protesting against the cutting down of thousands of trees across the city told Sheffied Live! he accepts the council’s apology over the felling of street trees and the treatment of campaigners but feels more accountability is needed. Baillor Jalloh reports.

Richard Caborn delighted to be honoured Freedom of the City

Former UK sports minister and Sheffield Central MP Richard Caborn spoke of his delight at being honoured “Freedom of the City,” for dedicating his life to Sheffield and its people. Caborn was awarded the honour for his contribution to the advancement of sport in Sheffield, nationally and internationally, and for other services to the city. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Premier league boost for Sheffield economy

Sheffield Council chief executive Kate Joseph told Sheffield Live! the Blades promotion to the Premier League will boost the city’s economy. Speaking to Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh she said: “The Premier League nationally brings more than £7 billion in growth into the country and Sheffield is going to get a slice of that”. Her comments came after Sheffield United sealed automatic promotion to the Premier League after two years in the Championship.

Lib Dems and Greens pleased with Sheffield election results

Lib Dems group leader councillor Shaffaq Mohammed and Green group speaker councillor Douglas Johnson have welcomed the local election results after both parties maintained their current number of seats on Sheffield City Council. Labour and the Green Party exchanged a seat, with Labour gaining Nether Edge and Sharrow and the Greens gaining Hillsborough but there were no other changes with the council set to continue under no overall control. Labour, remain the largest party on 39 seats, four short of a majority. Sheffield Liberal Democrats have 29 seats and the Green Party have 14. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

South Yorkshire Mayor: Election results good for Labour

South Yorkshire Mayor, Oliver Coppard, speaking to Sheffield Live!, said the over-all local election results are good for Labour despite his party not winning more seats to gain a majority in Sheffield. His comments followed the resignation earlier of councillor Terry Fox as leader of Sheffield City Council. Baillor Jalloh reports.

Sheffield residents responds to voter photo ID law

Polling stations across Sheffield opened on Thursday for the local elections with the requirement, for the first time, that voters show photo identification before being allowed to vote. Elections are taking place for Council seats in many parts of England with Sheffield having 29 of the 84 council seats up for grabs. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to some of those voting to get their views on the introduction of the voter identification at polling stations.

Charity calls for more support to deaf people

As part of Deaf Awareness Week, the RNID charity, which supports people with hearing difficulties, is calling for more support for people who are deaf or have hearing loss. The campaign aims to increase public awareness in the workp;ace and daily lfe about the nature of deafness and the communities, cultures, languages, and sign languages of deaf people. Sheffield Live! reporter Bailor Jalloh spoke to Teri Devine, director for inclusion at RNID.