Four panellists race against a time limit of just three minutes to reach a destination. They begin from different starting points and use an assortment of companions, objects and modes of transport, but they must keep everything together with them when they travel. They must also overcome their opponent, provided by another panellist, who will fire off obstacles to try and stop them.

Give us a shout out please…Jimmy Cauty’s ADP RIOT TOUR…happening now. Last day Saturday from 11am. Come on down to Catcliffe Recreation Ground (S60 5TR)
The Aftermath Dislocation Principle (ADP) is a post-riot landscape created in miniature by artist Jimmy Cauty — co-creator of chart-topping band The KLF
The AdpRiotTour has hit Catcliffe Recreation Ground (S60 5TR) and runs every day from 11am until 4pm until Saturday, showcasing a vast diorama detailing the aftermath of a major disturbance – which Sheffield last experienced in Orgreave on June 18th 1984
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