Have you ever felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the chills going up your spine until you feel like you have to shake this feeling off your back? No matter how silly it feels?
Or how about those times when you feel like someone is looking over your shoulder? So much so, that you can almost feel someone breathing down your neck?
Listening to this ‘Cornucopia Halloween’ special (broadcast as part of our annual allnight weirdathon), as you are right now; alone in a darkened room, the disturbing feelings become stronger than ever and so intense that you feel the need to keep looking behind you; just to reassure yourself that you’re still alone.
And that’s when it will strike…
[audio:http://www.cornucopia-radio.co.uk/Cornucopia%20Radio%20Podcast%2025.mp3|titles=Cornucopia Halloween Special]You can also listen to the rest of the all-night weirdathon by clicking here
Credits: Produced, Written and Edited by Peter Beeston. The story “Dracula” was taken from the Woody Allen book “Getting Even” and was adapted for the podcast because we think it’s brilliant. Please don’t sue us!!
Performed By: Jonathan Syer, Rob Atkinson, Duncan Miller, Christopher Bellamy, Rex Davies, Wendy Davies, Renate Reynolds, Chris Drury, Sangita Basudev and Phil Mason.
Music Tracks:Night Of A Thousand Orgasms – Genre Lectric
Copyright © 2010 – A Cornucopia Production
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