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Cost of living and local transport key issues, says Abtisam Mohamed

Newly elected MP for Sheffield Central, Abtisam Mohamed, told Sheffield Live! the cost of living crisis and local transport were key concerns for Sheffielders. She also pledged to press for early implementation of Labour’s manifesto commitment to recognition of a Palestinian state. Speaking after the election, she paid tribute to former Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield. Sangita Basudev reports.

Shaffaq Mohammed: Lib Dems reflect on election defeats

Shaffaq Mohammed, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Sheffield, told Sheffield Live! the party will need to regroup after losing seats in the local elections. The Lib Dems lost Eccleshall to the Greens and lost Beighton to Labour, reducing their total number of seats on the Council to 27. Baillor Jalloh reports.

Greens gain Eccleshall from Lib Dems

Peter Gilbert, the Green Party candidate for Eccleshall, defeated incumbent Liberal Democrat councillor Roger Davison. The Greens lost Walkley to Labour, leaving their total number of councillors unchanged at 14. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Chilean community mark 50th anniversary of military coup

The brutal coup d’etat in Chile on 11 September 1973 left thousands dead, many more in exile, and overthrew Salvador Allende’s democratically-elected government. Sheffield is among the cities that gave sanctuary to Chilean refugees. The Chilean community and friends held a march and rally on Saturday. Sheffield Live! reporter Steve Buckley spoke to organiser Maria Vasquez-Aguilar of the Chile Solidarity Network Sheffield.

BBC journalists walk out over local programme cuts

BBC radio journalists in Sheffield and other parts of England have been on strike with a 48 hour walk out in a dispute over cuts to local radio services. The BBC wants its 39 local stations to share more programmes as part of a plan to modernise services and reduce costs across England. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to BBC journalist Kate Linderholm.

Cab drivers calls for extension to CAZ exemption

More than 50 black cab drivers gathered outside Sheffield Town Hall, protesting against Sheffield’s Clean Air Zone regulations and calling on councillors to extend the temporary exemption until July 2024. The temporary exemption charge of £10 is due to expire at the end of June 2023. Drivers say an extension will give them time to raise enough money to buy new vehicles. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to black cab drivers Qasim Aslam and Majid Kahn.

Lib Dems blame Greens for Sheffield leadership defeat

The leader of the Liberal Democrats in Sheffield, councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, has criticised the Green Party for allowing Labour to retake the leadership of Sheffield Council. The leadership election went to a second round of voting at Wednesday’s council meeting with a run-off between Labour’s Tom Hunt and the Lib Dem leader, after the Greens were knocked out in the first round. The Greens abstained in the second vote allowing Tom Hunt to be elected as leader. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Tom Hunt elected as leader of Sheffield Council

The first full meeting of Sheffield Council since the local elections has voted Labour group leader and Walkley councillor Tom Hunt to be the new city council leader. Hunt received 39 votes in the second round of voting against Liberal Democrats leader councillor Shaffaq Mohammed who received 29 votes. The Greens abstained from voting after their leader Douglas Johnson only managed to secure 14 votes in the first round. Hunt has promised to work with other political parties to spearhead what he called a “new generation of leadership”. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!