
London to Sheffield walk for pancreatic cancer awareness

Jenny Christie who lost her father to pancreatic cancer is to walk 210 miles from London to Sheffield to raise money for Pancreatic Cancer UK. Her walk is planned to coincide with the pancreatic cancer awareness month of November and, all going well, will be completed in 10 days. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed spoke to Jenny Christie about her campaign.

Raising awareness of M.E.

Sheffield M.E. Group are providing a public information point this week in the Winter Gardens to raise awareness about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.). Sheffield M.E. Group are a registered charity providing information, support, and a point of contact for people of all ages with M.E., as well as their families and carers. M.E., also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (C.F.S.) and Fibromyalgia, is estimated to effect around 7,000 people locally.

Memory map of Sheffield highlights Mental Health Week

A memory map of Sheffield is part of an art exhibition at the Winter Gardens for Sheffield Mental Health Week. The exhibition is part of the project ‘Bridges not Barriers’ with a focus on the significance of place and the effect it has upon our identities. It has been created through storytelling workshops involving users of mental health services, medical students and mental health professionals.

Partially sighted pianist plays charity fundraising concert

Pianist Bill Skipworth performed a fundraising concert at Sheffield Cathedral to raise money for the Sheffield branch of the Royal Society for the Blind. The performance was particularly poignant as Bill himself has suffered significant sight loss in the last six months. Despite the challenges he was keen to go ahead with the event to raise money for a cause close to his heart. Sheffield Live! reporter Simon Thake spoke to Bill at the rehearsals.

New £16m sports centre opens in Sheffield

A new £16m sports and health centre has opened in Sheffield on the site of the old Graves Tennis and Leisure Centre in Norton. The refurbished facility renamed Graves Health and Sports Centre includes swimming pools, tennis courts and fitness studios. The centre, run by Places for People Leisure, also houses one of three hubs of the UK’s National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, with sports physiotherapists and doctors based in its consultation and treatment rooms. A gymnastics and trampolining centre at the site remains under construction. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Patient talks about her Rotherham Hospice experience

Rotherham Hospice this week they were celebrating Hospice Care Week. It’s timed to coincide with World Hospice and Palliative Care Day which is Saturday the 10th and this year, the theme is ‘connecting care’. Chief Executive Christopher Duff spoke to Sheffield Live about the event and the work they do at the hospice.

Law changes around smoking in cars

The law around smoking in cars with children in them changes from Thursday the 1st of October. It will become illegal to smoke in a car when there are passengers under eighteen present. The law change coincides with Stoptober, a campaign that’s been running over the last few years to encourage people to give up smoking for twenty eight days.