Tag Archives: women’s equality party

Protestors occupy Hallam MP’s office

The office of Sheffield Hallam MP Jared O’Mara was occupied on Wednesday by members of the Women’s Equality Party. About half a dozen protestors gained access to the independent MP’s Courtwood House office on Silver Street. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to Charlotte Mead, leader of the Women’s Equality Party in Sheffield.

Labour face criticism over Hallam MP reinstatement

Sheffield branch leader of the Women’s Equality Party, Charlotte Mead, has questioned Labour’s decision to reinstate Jared O’Mara following his suspension last year. O’Mara was suspended from the Labour Party following the discovery of homophobic and misogynistic posts on his social media account. Labour said the Hallam MP should be given a formal warning with a mandatory requirement to attend training. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Women’s Equality Party seek council seat in Sheffield

The Sheffield Branch of the Women’s Equality Party are campaigning to gain a council seat in Walkley in the upcoming local elections. It will be the second time the party has fielded a candidate in Sheffield after contesting the Southey by-election in 2017. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to Women’s Equality Party candidate Ann Butler.

Women’s Equality Party call for action on sexual harrasment

The leader of the Women’s Equality Party in Sheffield has called on the government and political parties to act to end sexual harrasment in Westminster. Charlotte Mead said recent allegations of women being harrased and afraid to speak out is nothing new. She also suggested local MP Jared O’Mara should demonstrate his claim to have moved on from previous misogynist and homophobic views by doing more to help charities such as South Yorkshire Women’s Aid and LGBT organisations. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Women’s Equality Party leader asks what Sheffield women want

Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party visited Sheffield as part of a nationwide tour to mark the 20th anniversary of the ‘What Women Want’ social survey of 1996. Twenty years ago, postcards were sent to women across Britain asking them the same question. Ten thousand women responded and this ground-breaking study changed the course of British politics. The Women’s Equality Party, which has 65,000 members and registered supporters, is asking ‘what do women want’ today and discussing how to achieve a fair future for all. The party was founded by Sandi Toksvig and Catherine Mayer in March 2015. Sheffield Live! reporter Simon Thake spoke to Sophie Walker.