Tag Archives: tent city

Tent City organiser welcomes progress on homelessness

Tent City organiser, Anthony Cunningham, told Sheffield Live! services for the homeless have improved since the closure of the Tent City camp at Park Hill flats. The Tent City campaign put the focus on support for rough sleepers by providing a temporary camp with food, water and amenities. Now the organisers are launching a sunday morning breakfast club for the homeless and have welcomed the cooperation and support of Sheffield Council. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed spoke to Anthony Cunningham and Christopher Thompson.

Sheffield Tent City disbanded as residents offered alternative housing

Sheffield Tent City, the camp set up outside Park Hill flats has packed up as residents have now been offered alternative accommodation. A solitary tent and an old caravan remain on the site set up to provide a safe place to sleep for the city’s homeless and raise public awareness of homelessness. The initiative was boosted by donations of food and blankets from the general public. Sheffield City Council has offered accommodation to all of the Tent City residents. Organiser Anthony Cunningham has pledged to set up a new shelter for the homeless. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Volunteers organise to support Tent City homeless

Sheffield’s ‘Tent City’, set up outside Park Hill flats to assist some of the local homeless, has been benefiting from donations and support from the general public. Appeals launched on social media have encouraged people to bring food, clothes, medical supplies and bedding. Sheffield Live! reporter Simon Thake spoke with a mother and daughter volunteering team.

Sheffield homeless living in ‘Tent City’

A group of homeless people in Sheffield have set up camp on a patch of land in front of Park Hill flats. Dubbed ‘Sheffield Tent City’, the camp holds around a dozen tents providing shelter and access to food and provisions. The camp was organised by homelessness campaigner Anthony Cunningham to give rough sleepers somewhere to go and for charities and services to find people who need their help. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!