Tag Archives: Sheffield City Council

Campaigners welcome withdrawal of tree protest injunction

Campaigners have welcome Sheffield Council’s decision to suspend a temporary injunction preventing protestors taking direct action to stop tree felling. A hearing was held in Leeds on Monday with the council seeking a high court injunction to prevent protesters in Sheffield from campaigning at locations where contractors are at work. The injunction will now be suspended pending a full three day civil trial scheduled for 26-28 July. In the meantime no further letters threatening injunction are to be sent out to tree protestors. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed, spoke to tree campaigner and Green Party councillor Douglas Johnson.

Tree campaigners stage Town Hall protest

Dozens of people joined a protest outside the Town Hall as part of the campaign to halt the felling of trees by Sheffield Council and contractor Amey. The protest follows a threat of legal injunction sent last week to 17 people, including Green Party councillor Alison Teal, which seeks to prevent action to disrupt Amey from carrying out their work. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Lapdancing licence approved despite protest

Sheffield lapdancing club Spearmint Rhino has had it’s license renewed for a further twelve months despite over 100 formal objections being made to Sheffield Council. The licensing committee of Sheffield Council imposed new restrictions however including a requirement that club signage be concealed during daylight hours. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Gleadless Valley wins regeneration cash boost

Gleadless Valley is to receive a government grant of £510,000 to improve local amenities and housing stock on the 1950s estate. The regeneration plan for the area is to be developed in consultation with local residents, community groups and other partners. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Tree charity suspends work in Sheffield

Tree planting charity, Trees for Cities, has said it is suspending all funding, support, and activity in Sheffield due to concerns with the council’s tree felling programme. The UK charity works internationally to promote greener cities and has planted more than 25,000 trees in Sheffield over the last ten years. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!


Campaigners protest against dementia care home closure

Campaigners who oppose the closure of The Hurlfield View care home for people with dementia have been protesting outside the Town Hall. Last month they presented a 10,000 signature petition to Sheffield City Council. The Council have said they are “one hundred percent confident” there will sufficient pre-bookable respite and day care activities in place from April 2017. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Council to invest £1.5 million in Sheffield parks

Community parks and play facilities are set to benefit from £1.5m funding by Sheffield City Council over the next three years. A recent parliamentary inquiry highlighted a countrywide crisis in community parks, with declining facilities and under-investment. The majority of the funding will come from the city’s public health budget, with a focus on reducing gaps in health-related deprivation across the city. It is also expected to lead to the creation of new jobs. Sheffield Live! reporter Baillor Jalloh spoke to councillor Mary Lea, cabinet member for culture, parks and leisure.

Free wi-fi plan for Sheffield city centre

Sheffield Council is considering plans to introduce free wi-fi in the city centre by the end of the year as part of an initiative led by Sheffield Business Improvement District. The authority is looking for a provider to offer wireless internet at no cost to those who use it. The project relies on a provider offering wi-fi service at no cost to the council and paying rent to use street assets, such as lampposts, to provide the signal. A decision on whether or not to go ahead with the wi-fi scheme will be made at a meeting of the cabinet next week. Sheffield Live! reporter Simon Thake spoke to Richard Eyre, head of city centre management at Sheffield Council.

Tree campaigners form yellow ribbon around Sheffield Town Hall

Campaigners to save Sheffield trees circled the Town Hall to form a human ribbon as part of the latest rally against the Council’s tree felling programme. Hundreds of people turned out in support of Sheffield Tree Action Group, many wearing yellow clothes to symbolise the yellow ribbons that are wrapped around the 20,000 trees scheduled to be removed by City Council contractor, Amey. Sham Powell reports for Sheffield Live!