Tag Archives: police

Over 300 drug drivers caught on South Yorkshire Roads since law change

Over 300 people have been caught drug driving in South Yorkshire over the last year. The figures come as today marks one year since the law change, with additional legislation, making it easier for police officers to test and arrest someone if they are over the limit. Since the second of March 2015, it’s been an offence under Section five A RTA to drive whilst over the prescribed limit. Previously, it was only an offence under Section 4 of the Road Traffic Act. Kathryn Smiles had this report.

Police campaign to stop drug driving over festive period

South Yorkshire Police are raising awareness of the dangers when driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In the run up to the festive period, they have been advising the public in local bars and on social media. As part of a national campaign, Police have been stopping people and using Roadside Drug testing kits, if they suspect the driver may have drugs in their system.

South Yorkshire Police join forces with universities to keep students safe

As thousands of students arrive in Sheffield, and get involved in freshers week activities, South Yorkshire Police have launched a campaign to keep them safe. They’ve joined forces with both universities to reduce violent crime after drinking too much alcohol.The campaign coincides with ‘freshers week’, and aims to make a safe start to the new academic year. They’re aiming to reduce violent crime, by asking students ‘What’s at the end of your drink.

Armed man arrested

By Alice Rose

Extra police patrols are working around Abbeydale Road today after a man was found carrying a firearm.

Members of the public alerted officers when they saw a man who was acting suspiciously in the area on Tuesday afternoon.  A 30-year-old was arrested after a police chase, in which he was knocked off his bike. Superintendent Colin McFarlane said “Neighbourhood policing officers are carrying out extra patrols in the area to offer reassurance to the community following this incident” he continued “We are also working with our partner agencies to support residents in the local area and I would urge anyone with concerns to contact us”