
Second phase of Sheffield run routes open to the public

Sheffield Council have signposted seven new locations for running in the city’s parks and green spaces as part of the second phase of their Run Routes initiative. Launched last year as part of the Outdoor City project, the run routes are funded by England Athletics and encourage more people to take exercise outdoors. Azz Mohammed reports for Sheffield Live!

Hidden Wounds charity album released

Award-winning Sheffield songwriter and producer Eliot Kennedy and singer Joanne Heseldon Edwards released the album in support of the Help for Heroes charity. Dedicated to the late Jimi Heseldon, father of the singer, the release of the album was timed to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week. Azz Mohammed reports for Sheffield Live!

Masquerade ball raises £5,000 for diabetes charity

A Sheffield sixth former has raised over £5,000 for the charity Diabetes UK by hosting a fundraising masquerade ball. Sixteen year-old Ellie Channer sought to raise awareness and to help others with the condition after being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes herself. Azz Mohammed reports for Sheffield Live!

Shetland ponies offer fun and therapy

A working livery school in Norton is home to six Shetland ponies being trained as therapy ponies to help children and vulnerable adults. Smile at Lightwood is an initiative of the Lightwood Livery at Mansion House Farm, Norton. Six miniature Shetland ponies came to live at the farm in late 2014 and have since been training for careers in pony parties and as therapy ponies helping young people, the elderly and vulnerable adults, at the farm and in the local community. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Sheffield cycling campaigners hit the streets

The Space for Cycling campaign bike ride took place at the weekend to promote cycle routes and cycle-friendly transport planning. Coordinated by Cycling UK, the family-oriented cycle event set off from Devonshire Green with hundreds of cyclists joining the Big Ride. Space for Cycling is a national campaign calling for investment in a network of cycle routes accessible to people of all ages and abilities. Local group Cycle Sheffield have called for Sheffield City Council to include cycling as a part of the transport infrastructure. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!

Jessica Ennis-Hill launches cancer charity appeal

Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill has launched an appeal on behalf of the Weston Park Cancer Charity to raise half a million pounds for modern refurbishments to the Sheffield hospital. The campaign ‘Beyond the Treatment’ includes providing wifi for patients and comfortable armchairs for relatives to ensure a comfortable stay at the Weston Park Hospital. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live.

Sheffield charity says eating disorder cases on the rise

South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association has seen an increase in its case load as more people with eating disorders seek support. People with eating disorders can only access NHS statutory treatment once their illness has become severe and at times life-threatening. Research has shown that the earlier a person receives treatment, the quicker they are likely to recover. The Sheffield-based charity is seeking to recruit additional volunteers to assist in providing help during the early stages of onset of eating disorder. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Sheffield specialists advise on healthcare in Ethiopia

Six specialists from Sheffield Health Action Resource for Ethiopia (SHARE) visited St Paul’s Hospital, Addis Ababa and Ayder Referral Hospital, Mekelle to help improve Ethiopian health services. SHARE is an international health link between Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Mekelle, Ethiopia, operating with charitable objectives. Sheffield Live! reporter Azz Mohammed spoke to Royal Hallamshire Hospital consultant Cariad Evans.

Tree charity suspends work in Sheffield

Tree planting charity, Trees for Cities, has said it is suspending all funding, support, and activity in Sheffield due to concerns with the council’s tree felling programme. The UK charity works internationally to promote greener cities and has planted more than 25,000 trees in Sheffield over the last ten years. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Theatre Delicatessen invites public to talk about sex

The ‘Let’s Talk about Sex’ festival features musical, film screenings, discussions and cabaret, with the public invited to join the conversation. Theatre Delicatessen promises a fun and safe environment in which embarrassment can be put to one side and everyone will be talking about sex. Highlights include ‘Buzz the Musical’, a history of the vibrator, and a new version of The Vagina Monologues, presented by Shefest. Simon Thake reports for Sheffield Live!