Tag Archives: Rustlings Road

Tree campaigners form yellow ribbon around Sheffield Town Hall

Campaigners to save Sheffield trees circled the Town Hall to form a human ribbon as part of the latest rally against the Council’s tree felling programme. Hundreds of people turned out in support of Sheffield Tree Action Group, many wearing yellow clothes to symbolise the yellow ribbons that are wrapped around the 20,000 trees scheduled to be removed by City Council contractor, Amey. Sham Powell reports for Sheffield Live!

Protest pensioner speaks out on Rustlings Road tree fellings

Freda Bradshaw, the 71 year old pensioner arrested last week after protesting the felling of trees on Rustlings Road has spoken to Sheffield Live! of her frustration over the incident. Bradshaw was one of three protestors arrested and later released without charge after being held in a police cell while Amey contractors took chainsaws to the century old trees. Residents were awoken to police knocking on their doors as early as 5am to remove their vehicles from the road so work could commence. Many residents and tree campaigners have been left furious over the action by Sheffield City Council. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!