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African Voices Platform

(AVP) is a South Yorkshire based independent media production organisation. We curate and deliver content that is informative, educational, and empowering by authentically portraying African communities on the African continent and in diaspora.


African voices platform (facebook)

@AV_PLATFORM (Twitter)





Baillor Jalloh

Founding CEO and Director of Programmes and Production

Video Journalist and television presenter based in Sheffield in the United Kingdom.  

My aim for AVP is to become a media hub and a platform where Africans both home and abroad are able to convey their own stories through various mediums such as TV, radio and the traditional African storytelling (griot).

Tchiyiwe Chihana

Managing Director and International Business Manager

As Managing Director, Tchiyiwe is the operational and business strategic lead and oversees all of AVP’s people functions. The operations of African Voices Platform, public service and entrepreneurial operations in the UK and internationally are her responsibility. Tchiyiwe ensures the delivery of the organisation’s mission and public purposes.

The CEO and Tchiyiwe are jointly responsible  for the organisation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Enoch Karimba

Director of Partnerships and Community Engagement

Part of the AVP management as well as running the partnerships and engagement role, he’s a passionate and enthusiastic individual who prides himself in working and engaging with communities for the common good of our community. By bringing communities together and building bridges with everyone, that’s what AVP aims to achieve amongst everything else.


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