Communities Live!
Every Weekday, 12pm-1pm
Sheffield Live’s flagship local issues programme ‘Communities Live’ is broadcast every weekday from 12-1pm.
Different groups of volunteers produce and present the show each day, providing a wide mix of styles and subjects for discussion: local and national politics; music and art from Sheffield; community events, and much more. We try to cover anything and everything, especially if it is relevant to Sheffield. It is a great place to put topics in the spotlight, so if you have a story you think we should be covering, or you would like to get involved with the show, then contact the Communities Live! Team on 0114 2814082 or
Communities Live! Producers
Monday: Kev Resley
Tuesday: Dale and Kay
Wednesday: Calvin Payne
Thursday: Paul Gregory
Friday: Marshall Smith
Thanks for doing this guys!
its not work if you love your job. If you hate your day job and have big dreams then go for it. I have a day job that i enjoy but am paying my dues in my free time hobbies to potentially make this a full time career in the future.
no regrets.
Miss you Dani.
If anyone would like to contact me, Susie Casson, or T-boy from Wednesday’s Communities Live! show, we’d love to hear from you! We’re on Facebook (Susie Casson) and Twitter (Susie C), or text or ring us on 07979 273599. If you have an event coming up in Sheffield, please let us know! 🙂