
New Sheffield hub for bike library

Recycle Bikes is a not for profit, one stop shop for people who are interested in bikes, they recycle old ones, loan bikes out and also donate bikes to projects across Africa. You can  learn basic road and maintenance skills and get spare parts for your vintage bike.

A helping hand

The Samaritans are a 24 hour help line that is open every day of the year. The service which supports anybody who needs someone to talk to is run by 130 volunteers in Sheffield.

Beating the winter blues

A day full of fun activities including Graffiti Art, Zumba and Tia Chi  was held in Lowedges, to combat  isolation and to bring different sections of the community together at a time when the nights are drawing in and the cold weather can make it more difficult to get out.

Man with pram a Sheffield Star

John Burkhill has had thousands of people signing a petition to get him a  star on the Walk of Fame outside Sheffield Town Hall.  The man with a pram met Jennifer Dunstan, who started the campaign, for the first time when they were both interviewed by Sheffield Live!  The 38 degrees petition is now heading towards seven thousand signatures.

Homeless project marks 25 years

The Cathedral Archer Project marked its twenty fifth anniversary today by getting people to sign a Christmas card.  The project supports homeless people by offering food, advice and support. The card is going to travel around the City before returning to The Cathedral on Christmas Eve.