Station News

Cyclists raising money for charity

Eight Sheffield cyclists are going to ride from Lands End to John O’ Groats to raise money for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.  The disorder affects mainly boys and is progressive muscle wasting disease that is life limiting. There is currently no known cure. They Sheffield riders will be part of a 32 strong team that is aiming to raise £70,000 during the 1,000 mile ride.

50% reduction for stall holders in Moor Market

Market traders in the new Moor market are going to get a 50% reduction in rent in the hope that the new prices will encourage more people to set up stalls.  Family days and other activities are also going to be held during the summer to try and attract more people to the area.  The old Castle Market is currently been knocked down. The number of shoppers expected at the market has never been achieved and because of the recession many stall holders have had to close down.

4 July is Sheffield Pride Day.

Sheffield Pride is taking place at the  Sheffield Students’ Union at the University of Sheffield. the festival will have various activities, music, and food and drink .  Pride is hoping to re start the local gay scene in Sheffield.

Orgreave Justice Campaign call for full public inquiry

The Battle of Orgreave took place 31 years ago during the miners strike and a rally is being held to remember the event.  The IPCC recently unannounced that it would not be investigating what happened on 18 June 1984.The Orgreave Peace and Justice campaign have said they are not surprised by the decision and is now calling for a full public inquiry in to the events.

Party in the Sky launches Design Week

This weekend is the start of Sheffield Design Week. Park Hill Flats is hosting the launch with activities, food and drink being available through the weekend. Some of the flats are open to the  the public to see what renovation is taking place there.

Solidarity demo for Asylum Seeker in Sheffield

A demonstration was held today to stop the extradition of Janahan Sivanathan an asylum seeker who lives in South Yorkshire.  Janahan is a Tamil from Sri Lanka.  It is estimated that around 100,000 Tamils have either been murdered or gone missing during the Civil War. The Home Office says it does not comment on individual cases.