Tag Archives: strip club

Hundreds back strip club to stay open

A petition supporting workers at Spearmint Rhino night club has gathered hundreds of supporters just weeks after calls for its licence to be revoked. Campaigners opposed to the club have claimed private investigators saw dancers performing sex acts at the Brown Street club on two undercover visits. Responding to the allegations Shiri Shalmy from United Voices of the World, the union that represents the dancers, said campaigners are trying to put women out of work. The club is due to have its licence reviewed by Sheffield Council. Baillor Jalloh reports for Sheffield Live!

Rockwave Leisure withdraws application for city centre strip club

After strong opposition, plans to create a new strip club in Leadmill Road have been withdrawn. Various Sheffield groups, including schools, colleges, charities, MPs and councillors, condemned the plans in objections submitted ahead of a licensing meeting held at Sheffield Town Hall this week. Rockwave Leisure have since decided to withdraw the proposal. Sheffield Live! reporter Shamaan Freeman Powell spoke to Councillor Douglas Johnson.