A programme that introduces all different styles of Latin music from its roots and at the same time inform the audience of the latest issues in Latin America, also interviews with artists visiting the city (not necessarily South American).
Hi Mauricio,
My name is Adriana, I’m Spanish and I’m running a Community Café in the Old Junior School – at Sharrow. We’re having a “Spanish Night” for Spanish people and others with tapas, spanish music, spanish karaoke and fun on the 20th of February at 7.30pm until 11.30pm (this Friday coming). People can find more information on our page in Facebook “Blue Sky Café and if it’s popular this is a night we would like to do once a month. If you could mention it on your radio show I would be very happy and if you’ve any questions just e-mail me. Gracias de antemano!! Y gracias por hacer este programa tan divertido y que nos acerca un poco más a nuestro hogar!! Un cordial saludo.
We are doing a charity gig on Friday 18th at the Philadelphia club in Upperthorpe. There will be 3 bands ( Stone Lilies , Paul ‘the Sax Man’ Smith and Blue It). The gig is for SEN Ethiopia who are running teaching programmes for the support of blind and partially sighted young people in schools in Ethiopia. There is also a quiz, raffle and tombola with great prizes. Entrance is £4.Doors open at 730pm and goes on till about 11pm.
First of all, Congratulations for you nice programme!! We are Ruta Flamenca, a collaborative space focused on event organisation to promote the Spanish culture around UK. Our dearest wish is to generate happiness through music, food and good treatment! At the moment we are focused on the promotion of Flamenco nights around Yorkshire but we are going to get a lot of things going on very soon. We would like to speak with you because it will be amazing if you could share with your audience our business approach. What do you think? Just drop us a line if you think it could be of your interest.
Hi Mauricio,
My name is Adriana, I’m Spanish and I’m running a Community Café in the Old Junior School – at Sharrow. We’re having a “Spanish Night” for Spanish people and others with tapas, spanish music, spanish karaoke and fun on the 20th of February at 7.30pm until 11.30pm (this Friday coming). People can find more information on our page in Facebook “Blue Sky Café and if it’s popular this is a night we would like to do once a month. If you could mention it on your radio show I would be very happy and if you’ve any questions just e-mail me. Gracias de antemano!! Y gracias por hacer este programa tan divertido y que nos acerca un poco más a nuestro hogar!! Un cordial saludo.
Hola Primo… espero hayas tenido un buen regreso de tu visita a Chile, y que no pase mucho tiempo para volver a encontrarnos… Un fuerte abrazo.
For conocedores, Mauro, your show is ‘de rigor’
One love
We are doing a charity gig on Friday 18th at the Philadelphia club in Upperthorpe. There will be 3 bands ( Stone Lilies , Paul ‘the Sax Man’ Smith and Blue It). The gig is for SEN Ethiopia who are running teaching programmes for the support of blind and partially sighted young people in schools in Ethiopia. There is also a quiz, raffle and tombola with great prizes. Entrance is £4.Doors open at 730pm and goes on till about 11pm.
Hi Mauricio,
First of all, Congratulations for you nice programme!! We are Ruta Flamenca, a collaborative space focused on event organisation to promote the Spanish culture around UK. Our dearest wish is to generate happiness through music, food and good treatment! At the moment we are focused on the promotion of Flamenco nights around Yorkshire but we are going to get a lot of things going on very soon. We would like to speak with you because it will be amazing if you could share with your audience our business approach. What do you think? Just drop us a line if you think it could be of your interest.
Ruta Flamenca
We sell La Caja China roasting boxes and would like to offer your readers/followers a discount code to purchase these off us.
Hey Mauree,
Good to hear what you enjoy; increase the peace and love, hope to see speak soon.
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Mauricio mi hermano this is Papas we used to play football against your team in Endcliffe Park…long time no speak…Free Palestine
Just listened to Cats And The Law on your show. Absloutely amazing, can’t wait to hear more from them.