My Kinda Place
Produced by: Richard Motley
@MyKindaPlace is mainly an interview and conversation based weekly radio programme My name is Richard Motley. I am passionate about City-Making especially place-making for the creative economy. I manage the CIQ Agency which trades as Integreat Plus and produce the radio programme, My Kinda Place supported by Sheffield Live! Integreat Plus is a social enterprise…

There is not another programme for this show scheduled at present.

Sheffield In Focus
Produced by: Matt Silverwood, Bill Skipworth, Don Kyte
Weekly magazine show of particular interest to local visually impaired people of all ages. The show features a diary of events, product reviews, interviews, opinion, debate and much more.

There is not another programme for this show scheduled at present.

Sheffield Uprising
Produced by: Monday: Simon Thake, Wednesday: Chris Arnold, Thursday and Friday: Charles Clarke
Your morning show currently broadcasting 7AM – 9AM every Monday with Simon Thake, every Wednesday with Chris Arnold and Charles Clarke on Thursday and Fridays. Jolly music, news, chat and regular prize giveaways!