
Sheffield NHS Trust implementing changes

Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust have said that they have already addressed many of the issues that were highlighted in a  recent Care Quality Commission report in the eight months since the inspection took place. The report said there were concerns about staff shortages and how medication is managed.

Local research in to secondary breast cancer makes major break thorough

University of Sheffield have announced ground breaking research  into the prevention of secondary breast cancer. The research in partnership with the University of Copenhagen has found that high levels of  a particular enzyme is what leaves to secondary or metastatic breast cancer. The pioneering research, co-led by Dr Alison Gartland at the University of Sheffield’s Department of Human Metabolism, could lead to a better prognosis for cancer patients in the longer term.

Event to try to save Sheffield trees and woodland

An event that is looking at Sheffields’ trees and woodland is taking place this weekend.  The event which is called Action for Woods and Trees is being organized as part of Sheffield Environment Weeks one of the aims of the event is to  to establish a network of groups help manage our treescapes  for future generations.

Rotherham roll out Adopt a Post Office Scheme

Concerns raised by Rotherham Older People’s Forum and Age UK about community safety have lead to them working in partnership with South Yorkshire Police and the Post Office. The scheme will see a Police Community Support Officer designed to a Post Office to give reassurance to those using the services.